A few months ago, while lamenting the length of my unplayed list and my inability to whittle away at it (I buy games quicker than opportunities for playing present but that’s another story), I decided to organize an After Christmas Game Day.
Last Monday, I managed to secure 4 from my game group to spend about 10.5 hours at my house playing games. It was a relatively informal affair, a bring your own snacks and drinks type of gathering and as I thought would happen, we ended up with a two foot sub, chips, cookies of several types, cheese ball, beer, and wine. We broke for pizza around 6pm but needless to say, food was NOT a problem.
I’ve said it many times before but I’m always amazed at how many games we DON’T get to play in 10.5 hours. We just don’t play the same game enough times back to back so we have to spend time teaching and/or refreshing our memories of the rules so it slows down the rate at which you can play games. However, I had a blast and would do it again in a minute.
I FINALLY got to play Endeavor in addition to Flaschenteufel, Saboteur, Dominion, Hacienda, Tobago, and Dicetown.
Thanks guys for coming over, hanging out, and getting in some good game time over the holidays. Maybe I’ll make it an annual affair.