Just a few shots of my recent painting attempts at the exosuits in Anachrony. I really enjoyed the minis in this game. They’re very detailed and a nice departure from the “creature-based” sculpts I’ve been painting recently. Not having painted many “mech-like” objects, each was a learning experience and experiment.
I struggled so much with the “octopod” legs and must have painted them three or four times. My overarching plan was a worn, rusty, much-used look for all of the suits but those legs really threw me for a loop. Getting good coverage inside the legs was also a struggle. Don’t get me started on getting good coverage for yellow. Ugh.
This was also my first attempt at a textured base. The planet in Anachrony is supposed to be uninhabitable without the exosuits so I stayed with dirt and rocks and didn’t add anything green. I hope that came through in the final product.
My Kickstarter copy of Rising Sun should be arriving in a month or two and I’m really looking forward to painting those minis next.
Leaking oil and fluid from the “fan”.
Base coat of dark brown
Top down, work area.
Rough in
Baby steps.
Next up, highlights and more shading!
More faces…
Rough in for the textured bases. Ready to paint.
Painted and highlighted bases.
Back in the box.
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