I don’t have a lot to say yet but I conducted a BGG trade, received my BGG Secret Santa gifts, and finalized my trades in the annual CABS No Ship Math Trade that Nathan Morse hosted for the CABS Annual Meeting.
Yspahan, In the Year of the Dragon, two copies of Amyitis, Piratenbucht, El Capitan, Bison, and Tempus are leaving to make room but here are the new items making their way into my collection:
Cavum, Wasabi, FITS, Flaschenteufel, Funny Friends, Louis XIV, Fiji, Zendo, Lost Cities, and Ponte del Diavolo. The last two games are second copies which I’m going to be giving away to a budding gaming family as a pseudo Christmas gift. They like abstracts and 2-player games so I think those two will be a good fit.