Thurn and Taxis: Power and Glory

Lisa and I played a two-player game of Thurn and Taxis: Power and Glory last night and I got whipped but good. Power and Glory is an expansion to the base game Thurn and Taxis. However, to call it an expansion is somewhat of a misnomer. Power and Glory is to Thurn and Taxis as Ticket to Ride Europe is to Ticket to Ride.

The game comes with a different map, new cards, and some differences in the rules. The only caveat is that you need the base game to use the wooden post offices. There are two major differences in the game:

  • No stagecoachesIn Power and glory you aren’t attempting to build routes in ever increasing lengths to efficiently pick up stagecoach cards. Power and Glory imposes no rule that encourages (directly or indirectly) players to build routes in any particular lengths throughout the game. Because there are no stagecoach cards, the cartwright’s special powers aren’t used in the game.
  • Building your coachPower and Glory adds a route limiting feature by requiring players to play cards from their hand in one of two places: 1) your route or 2) as a set of horses pulling a carriage. When players cash in a route, the route cannot exceed the number of horses pulling their carriage. Cashing in a route causes not only the route cards to be discarded but also the horse cards pulling your carriage.

    A side effect of the carriage limiting feature is that it allows players to discard bad cards on their turn rather than being forced to play a card on their route. The base game was rather brutal if you were left stuck without a route card play by forcing you to throw away your route without cashing it in. This ‘discarding’ ability is a welcome change.

There are minor changes to the map with the addition of a single province that has two separated lobes. There are also some ‘free’ cities that are not part of any province that grant the first office a 1-point token.

Power and Glory is a strong game on its own without the base game. I like both games but I might give Power and Glory the nod given the addition of the ‘discarding’ ability.

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