My copy of Valdora arrived today along with a couple of games (A Castle for All Seasons and Sushizok im Gockelwok) I’ve got earmarked as give-aways for the Great Lakes Games convention coming up in early November.
I looked around numerous places for Valdora and given that it does not have a US publisher it was more difficult to find than your run of the mill Euro. However, Abacus, a German company, has done an excellent production job with the game and given that the rules and cards include the English translation I’m not sure a US publisher is necessary.
Valdora is a Michael Schacht creation (Coloretto, Zooloretto, China, Hansa, …) featuring a pick up and deliver mechanism and some very unique wooden “books” that are used throughout the game to reveal cards to the players.
Unfortunately, I’ve only gotten Valdora out on the table for a rules run-through and to play a few learning rounds…no real play yet. However, I’ve got the Buckeye Game Fest coming up next week and I’m really looking forward to getting this one to the table if not once, maybe multiple times. I’m a sucker for Schacht designs…maybe Die Goldene Stadt should be on the short list now…