Latest Game Order

I had a few games I wanted to order and I put out the call for any additions to bump the total above $125. If you exceed $125, you get free shipping from After lumping in the add on items, here’s the final order:

2 x Hive: Second Edition = $44.92
2 x Ingenious = $45.44 (1 copy for me!)
1 x Lord of the Rings = $34.97
2 x Pick Picknic = $22.76
1 x Rat-a-tat Cat = $6.50
1 x Qwitch = $6.99
1 x China = $24.12 (mine!)
1 x For Sale = $10.34 (mine!)
1 x Mesopotamia = $29.25 (mine!)

Sub-Total: $225.29
Flat Rate Shipping (continental US only) (3 to 7 business days *): $0.00
Total: $225.29

I borrowed Ingenious from the CABS game cabinet and (sorry I had it for two sessions – I didn’t originally intend for it to work out that way) and it went over pretty well at the March AGN Meeting. I’ve wanted For Sale for quite awhile. I cancelled a backorder for it around Christmas so now is my opportunity to pick that up. I like Michael Schacht as a designer (Coloretto, Fist of Dragonstones, Hansa, …) so China was a pretty easy choice. It seems like a rare bird to find a 5 person game, rated as high as 7.54 on BGG and only lasting 45 minutes. At the last minute I threw in Mesopotamia. A Klaus-Jürgen Wrede design (Carcassonne) that supports 2-4 but also only lasts 45 minutes. The bits look really nice (Mayfair/Phalanx) and the game uses the pick up and deliver mechanic which I’m particularly fond of.

Now it’s time to start monitoring the shipping and counting down the hours to when I can carefully ‘rip open’ the boxes and warm up the macro lens! Oh…I almost forgot…I also need to find somebody to play them with.

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