Game Night

Once a month I get together with a few close friends to play”designer” board games. A “designer” board game usually cannotbe found in your average Target, Kohls, or Walmart. Instead thesegames generally come from Europe and historically from German gamedesigners. Unlike non-designer/”American” games, designer games are usually much less luck-oriented, usually involve much more strategy, and usually more “mind numbing”/”brain burning” turn angst. Most games lastfrom 1 to 2 hours.

We chose to play Tikalthis evening. Ken (black) won with 101 points. We pretty much let him win sincehe gets kinda nasty if he doesn’t. Rich (red) came in second. You’ll noticeRich as the guy whose eyes are half closed. He wasn’t asleep…really. He justlooks that way more often than not. Keith (natural) was kind enough to host the game at his house. I (orange) came in last because I was nice enough to sacrificemy position for the host. Otherwise I would have easily beat them all…handsdown.

Ken Huffman and Rich “The Sandman” Ball on one side of the table. Keith Rose is on the other side. Ken and Keith are playing Lost Cities until the real game begins.

An action shot of Ken trying to figure out how to undo yet another move he’s unsure about. This is about as close as you get to visualizing the sheer thrill of turn angst…better known as the “hurry up Ken” maneuver.

The final state of the gameboard showing my valiant efforts to ensure Keith didn’t come in last.

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