Welcome to my implementation of Michael Schacht's great game of Coloretto.

If you like playing Coloretto you should really purchase a copy of it to play with your friends and family from your local Game Store or many online vendors. You can also learn more about Coloretto by browsing the many great postings on Board Game Geek.

So let's get started. Coloretto is really a very simple game of collecting sets of colored chameleon cards. Your job is to collect the most in only three colors. You receive points for each card you collect. Points can add to your score or reduce your score. The points you recieve for your three most valuable colors increase your score. The points you receive for all additional colors, count against you and reduce your score. At the end of a round, determine your three most valuable colors and assign positive and negative points to arrive at your final score. The player with the largest score wins.

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